Thursday, May 23, 2024



Countries with multiple value systems are always in a state of constant discord.

by Blackfox

A nation is a body of people with common values. From common values comes common behavior and from that comes a common culture. When a nation of people occupy a common territory we call that territory a country. Under this scenario, the people, the culture, and the territory are congruent.

It is only from a common culture (customs and values) that a form of governance called democracy (the will of the people) can work. From the will of the people will come generally agreed upon and enforceable laws.

Under the “rule of law” no one individual is above the will of the people as enacted in its laws. The agents of the will of the people make the laws and the judiciary administers said laws.

If the territory devolves from containing a single culture to a territory occupied by multiple cultures (value systems), then the laws do not have the same general authority as those enacted by a common culture. These laws tend to be mere expedients agreed upon by the various political constituencies at a particular moment in time. Countries with multiple value systems are always in a state of constant discord. 
But the people long for a common thread in their governance, so they put their trust in “The Courts.”

Within the law, cultural differences are thought to be put aside so that no one culture dominates another capriciously. Lady Justice wears a blindfold so as to be oblivious to any special standing of those who stand before her. Rich or poor, strong or weak, black or white, man or woman, we are all thought to be equal before the law. Lady Justice's only consideration is the law. But this is not so under the left leaning current ruling class: the multi-culturalists. They do not even pretend that they want justice to be blind. They want the appointees to the court to be very aware of who is standing before them and to make their decisions accordingly.

Inevitably, this will lead to a court rationale that any law can be unilaterally amended by the court if it believes that any party before it - with special status - is aggrieved by it.

Beware the left leaning judicial establishment. 
Let no one say that they have not shown their hand. They have made their intentions clear. They intend on assuming ownership of the Constitution.

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