Saturday, May 4, 2024



The Neo-Nazi Left

It’s time to call the enemy by its true name.


This spring, thousands of keffiyeh-wearing youth are marching in America’s streets, occupying its college campuses, and proclaiming their allegiance to Hamas, a terrorist organization which has already made its mark as one of the bloodiest, most inhuman and inhumane political armies on record. The chants calling for the killing of Jews and attacks on American ships make it clear that murder is their heartfelt aim.

Who are these people? The most that anyone seems ready to say about them is that they are “protesters.” But it’s not as though they are protesting a right that has been taken away from them. They’re not “protesters” or “activists”, they’re supporters of a genocidal terrorist movement. They are a Neo-Nazi Left.

How could college faculty and students call for the murder of millions of Jews because they are Jews? The Sixties radicals who helped shape modern universities and the entire culture of the Left had once planned to kill millions of Americans after they seized control over the United States.

We know this from the testimony of Larry Grathwohl, who infiltrated the leadership of Weatherman, the first homegrown terrorist organization in America, which distinguished itself by setting bombs in the Capitol and the Pentagon, and killing cops. Grathwohld described sitting in a room with top leaders of the leftist group and asking them what would happen to the rest of the country when they took over.

“They estimated they would have to eliminate 25 million people,” Grathwohl recalled.

“I want you to imagine sitting in a room with 25 people, most of which have graduate degrees, from Columbia and other well-known educational centers, and hear them figuring out the logistics for the elimination of 25 million people and they were dead serious.”

Of the men and women in that room, Bill Ayers became a professor of education and was the editor of ‘Teaching for Social Justice’. When he accepted a tenured position at the University of Illinois he developed close personal and political ties to Obama. Despite being in the ‘genocide’ room, Ayers responded to the campaign against Hamas by describing it as a “preannounced genocide by Israel being executed against the Palestinian people in Gaza.”

Ayers’ wife, Bernardine Dohrn, became a law professor at Northwestern, Jeff Jones, became a reporter and a political consultant, Mark Rudd became a professor, and both Rudd and Jones have worked on rebuilding the SDS.

After Oct 7, the National Students for a Democratic Society celebrated the Hamas murders, rapes and kidnappings. Florida State University’s SDS chapter called it, “a brave assault.”

How would the SDS view a similar assault on America? We already know.

The Weatherman plan for conquering America depended on a coordinated mass invasion of Marxist and Communist nations along with domestic terrorism and riots.

The Neo-Nazi Left doesn’t just want to see Hamas invade Israel and kill millions of Jews, its genocidal leaders want to see it and other Islamic terror groups invade America and kill millions of people. That’s why the Left is fighting to keep the border open so that every enemy force from drug cartels to terrorists can come across, set up shop here and take down the country.

That is the truth that must be told.

We make a fundamental mistake in not calling the Left what it is and exposing the true horror of its plans for all of us. And when we fail to do that, then we’re surprised at what comes next.

Why do we call it the Neo-Nazi Left? Because its goal is to impose a socialist state through the mass murder of millions of people, particularly but not exclusively Jews. Much as in Nazi Germany, those people include political dissenters and anyone else they see as standing in their way. What Stalin and Hitler failed to accomplish, they hope to achieve through many of the same methods.

What is happening at Columbia University, Yale and many other schools is not an aberration, like the Weathermen plans to kill 25 million Americans, it’s the truest expression of an ugly extremist movement that has learned nothing from its worst crimes in the twentieth century.

And we ignore their tactics and threats at our peril.

The ugliness is not an aberration. The Neo-Nazi Left glories in the worst of the Hamas atrocities the way that the Weathermen once grooved on the Manson murders.

“Dig It. First they killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with them, they even shoved a fork into a victim’s stomach! Wild!” future Northwestern University law professor Bernardine Dohrn gloated at the notorious Flint war council.

Trying to shame the modern SDS and other leftist Hamas supporters with a recital of Jihadist atrocities, the families burned alive in safe rooms, murdered babies, raped women and beheaded immigrants fundamentally misunderstand the Neo-Nazi Left’s love affair with evil.

The Neo-Nazi Left has always thrived on atrocities. When it sees what Hamas did in Israel, it imagines doing the same things in American suburbs. And in fact debated whether it should kill white babies because after all “whiteness is the problem.” Make no mistake, the Neo-Nazi zealots who tear down hostage posters of babies and children would tear apart the actual kids if only they could.

The mission of the Neo-Nazi Left is to bring every one of those horrors home to America.

And after a century of bombings, subversion and indoctrination, its leaders believe that they are closer than ever to their ultimate goal. Backed by billion dollar foundations like the Soros network and the Ford Foundation, the Neo-Nazi Left has vast amounts of wealth and cultural influence. Its activists dominate college campuses, the entertainment industry and are developing a stranglehold on corporations. All that is standing in their way are the patriots who recognize them for what they are.

Most Americans, including conservatives, have been blinded to what the Neo-Nazi Left is. They believe that the Left agrees with them on basic principles and everything else is “just politics.” Killing babies because they’re Jewish or white isn’t just politics. It’s genocide.

The Hamas campus riots are a wake-up call about what the Neo-Nazi Left truly is.

That has been the message of the David Horowitz Center from its very beginning. We sounded a warning that there was no way to coexist with a movement driven by hate and bent on extermination.

And that is still our message today.

The Neo-Nazi Left cannot be negotiated with. There is no living alongside it. Either Americans defeat the Neo-Nazi Left or the Neo-Nazi Left defeats America.

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