Carville complains about the world he made
by Don Surber Mar 25/24
b | I thought it odd that James Carville illustrated the cover of his book 40 More Years: How the Democrats Will Rule the Next Generation with a poorly photoshopped picture of him and Obama. Excuse me, but Carville had been part of the Wait Your Turn, Boy primary campaign of Hillary in 2008. But what could Obama do about such blaxploitation? Cry?Time has a way of catching up with fools and the perfect way was chosen to catch up with the Foamin’ Roman or Ragin’ Cajun or whatever Carville calls himself. He is a promoter of the Demography Is Destiny school of thought — trading white voters in for colored people (as the NAACP calls them) and queers (as the LGBT crowd calls them). The Carvillian pitch was that over time, those populations will outgrow whites — the former through procreation and illegal immigration, and the latter by grooming. To promote his book with Obama on the cover in 2009, Carville said, “Unless Republicans figure out how to deal with the new demographics in this country it’s going to be very, very tough going for them.” Since then, Carville has seen his star fade. Hillary’s billion-dollar blunder in 2016 — losing an election that was a one-foot putt for any normal person — kept him on the sidelines for another four years. It was 20 years since his importance was on the presidential level. Oh well. It’s not like he did not accumulate a small fortune and make a little history along the way. What galls him though is not his personal irrelevancy. No one stays in the spotlight forever. I believe it was Joan Rivers who pointed out that even if you are down to 1% of the nation as fans, that’s 3 million people. I couldn’t find that quote, but I found this one: “The people voting for the Oscars are so old. I haven’t seen one Academy Award voter with a tampon in her purse.” So the size of his crowd doesn’t bother him. What galls him is America now is No Country for Old White Men. Guys like Carville and Bill Ayers — the Democrat coin has two tails, no heads — thought they were clever. They would sign up black people and other groups who would put and keep them in power. Well, that was a nice thought but eventually all those voting blocs wanted their share of the power — just as the Irish did with Jack Kennedy. There’s a Thanks For Keeping The Seat Warm attitude toward guys like Carville as DEI takes over the party. The last Democrat House speaker was a woman. Their next one will be a black man. When he handed the gave over to Newt Gingrich 29 years ago, did Tom Foley realize he may have been the last straight white male to serve as a Democrat House speaker? You see, in the demographic game, there are winners and there are losers all because of their skin color and sex. Democrats have kept power in city after city for nearly a century. Most of those cities are now run by black mayors — New York, LA, Chicago, DC and so on. To me, a Democrat is a Democrat. But to Carville, it’s personal. The party’s focus on demographics — a policy he helped create — has turned the party’s back on him and rightly so. He whined to Maureen Dowd, the dowager of DC. She began her column with a story about him teaching a class at LSU and saying something rude.
Apparently, you can talk about sex with kindergarten students but you cannot mention sex in front of college students. Of course, that was his side of the tale. More likely the dean was displeased with Carville drinking on the job. At any rate, Carville eventually left the job. He still whined about it. He said, “This was L.S. freaking U., not Oberlin. It was terrible. I wouldn’t take the coeds to dinner after class. I would take the male students. I was scared to death in my job. I was like: ‘I don’t need L.S.U.’s money. I don’t need to drive up there and listen to that crap.’ I just said: ‘That’s it. I’m done. This is not for me.’” Oberlin is the DEI college that had to pay $36 million to the white family that owns a bakery that Oberlin defamed as racist, which led to a boycott. His exclusion of women students is sexist. That’s not my rule. That’s his. He helped get liberals back into power through Clinton’s False Third Way. He owns this world that he now lives in, which includes that rule.
Dobbs reversed Roe and sent abortion back to the states. Three Trump-appointed justices made it so. Thank you, Hillary. Two months before the 2016 election, Carville told Vanity Fair:
It turned out that Hillary needed rednecks after all. His complaining about demographics now was like watching a flock of seagulls coming home to roost — above your smug neighbor’s freshly waxed Prius. Carville’s on the outside looking in. I read this quote in the Dowd column on Sunday and thought I heard I Ran.
Yes they would. Why wouldn’t they? They’ve got the power that Carville and other now-old always-white men gave them. Why would the DEI Democrats care about old white men? The DEI crowd wants Carville and his buddies to hurry up and die. He always thought he was smarter than everyone else in the room. He still does, but he outsmarted himself. His party’s demonic obsession with demographics made him obsolete. Biden likely will be the last Democrat president who is a straight white male. If Claudine Gay, Lori Lightfoot and Eric Adams are any indication of the quality of leadership that DEI produces, I dare say Biden will not be the last straight, white male president — not by a long shot. Just the last Democrat one. |
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