Saturday, March 23, 2024


 Important note: Read the previous post first to gain further context.

by Blackfox

Self control or self restraint is the ability to control one's emotions or impulses. The ability to over-ride natural impulses and become a self-disciplined citizen takes years of training or cultivation. In the beginning, parents and teachers oversee the training. But even the best overseers need to operate in an overall environment which constantly reinforces the goal of the training. Self control is not merely a personal attribute; it must be an attribute of the society in which one lives, but just what is it that we are controlling? The answer: "male sexual energy."

It is male sexual energy, under harness, that has built civilization. All civilizations divert male sexual energy from its immediate goals of waging war and sexual conquest to ones of a more acceptable social, moral, or aesthetic nature.

There has always been a delicate balance between sublimating the male energy produced by testosterone for the building of a society and leaving enough left over to ensure procreation and, especially, the defence of the realm.

The distinguishing characteristic of all barbarian societies is that they have not harnessed male sexual energy. The males are governed by their impulses. The primary personal characteristics of impulsive males are that they are easily bored, act without thought for consequences, lack perseverance, are easily angered, are seekers of sensation, and are not governed by any articulated moral code. These are the natural characteristics of a male adolescent. Barbarism, then, can be likened to a protracted male adolescence, encouraged and enabled by the customs of the tribes that they inhabit.

To the barbarian mind, the life of others is of no importance. Due to the nature of barbarians they are in a state of constant belligerence. They are, generally speaking, a warrior society. They exist for war. They need enemies. Accustomed to death and uncertainty, they are indifferent to life.

Among the barbarians, the strong dominate the weak. The strong see no reason to produce because they can just take what they want. The weak have no motive to produce because it will only be taken from them. If someone acquires something, others become jealous and are inclined to appropriate it by force or intimidation.

If you are not able to keep what you produce then there is no sense in producing anything. So the predatory practices of barbarian societies leads to a shortage of goods - but that is not the worst of it. These practices makes it impossible to have the long term stability that is needed to develop the knowledge and skills necessary for increased productivity. Productivity is the key to increased standards of living. Excellence, accomplishment, and the production of wealth are not important values among barbarians.

The social rules about the moral qualities considered desirable for a civilised culture swing between strict control and permissiveness. Right now, due to the progressives undermining of our traditional social controls, we are on the permissive swing of the pendulum. Images of barbarians and the glorification of barbarian attitudes permeate our culture with predictable results. It shows that male sexual energy is becoming unharnessed. This has led to rampant drug addiction, violence, and sexual predation in our culture.

Soon, we will have to ask ourselves how much permissiveness can our society tolerate before we lose complete control of the hyper aggressiveness of young male sexual energy? Can we pull back from the growing impulse to barbarism?

These statements may seem hyperbolic to those who live in gated communities, either literal or metaphorical. But to those who live in the inner cities, the truth of these statements is a given.

The progressives also promote forced wealth redistribution (aka: Socialism) as the remedy for so-called economic inequities but socialism's essential nature leads to the large scale regulation of society, where the strong: the government, take from the less strong: the producers. This "the politically strong take from the politically weak" political ethos ends up mimicking the social results of the barbarian way of life.

Socialism suffocates civilized values and incentives. It inhibits the pursuit of wealth and excellence in order to achieve "social justice" and inevitably leads to production shortages. This, in turn, leads to the breakdown of the civilized order, anarchy, and a return to barbarism: the very opposite of socialism's stated intentions. Socialism, because it appeals to adolescent sensibilities, is not only hostile to civil society, it is antithetical to it. There is no small irony here.

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