Friday, October 11, 2024



Howard Stern’s TDS-Fueled Worship-Fest With Kamala

When “edgy” goes establishment.

I have never been a Howard Stern fan, to put it mildly. The pioneering “shock jock” is a disgusting pig who has built a depressingly lucrative career out of exploiting the basest human behavior and dragging our culture into the gutter. But his Tuesday interview with epically incompetent presidential wannabe Kamala Harris shows just how fully “edgy,” envelope-pushing influencers become shameless sycophants for the establishment when the reigning regime is Left-wing.

It’s no surprise that Kamala chose to appear on Stern’s Sirius XM radio show. Her campaign strategy has been to avoid, as much as humanly possible, interviews with news outlets where she might be treated with anything less than boot-licking adoration. Hence, for example, her recent appearance on the ABC daytime gabfest The View, where she was introduced by ranting progressive idiot Whoopi Goldberg as “our next President.”

Stern is avowedly anti-Trump, although he claims not to hate the former President. “I don’t hate Trump. I hate the people who vote for him. I think they are stupid. I do. I have no respect for them.” He added that if half of his viewers disagree with his opinion about Trump voters, they should stop listening to his radio show: “I’m at the end of my career, so fuck you and listen to another station if you don’t like my views [on Trump].”

After all, as Stern explained last November, he takes being called “woke” as a compliment: “To me, the opposite of woke is being asleep. And if woke means I can’t get behind Trump, which is what I think it means, or that I support people who want to be transgender, or I’m for the vaccine, dude, call me woke as you fucking want. I am a woke motherfucker, and I love it.”

As definitive evidence he suffers from the rampant Trump Derangement Syndrome that has afflicted so many of his fellow progressives, Stern has fully bought into the progressive hysteria that Trump is Hitler 2.0, as in this very scholarly assessment: “Hitler was perceived as a clown in Germany [like Trump in the US]. He was one of these buffoonish characters. Then he won an election. And that was the end of Germany.”

This is the media host Kamala Harris chose to let the American people learn more about her as she seeks our vote for the Leader of the Free World. And this, as New York Times columnist Michelle Cottle neatly summed up, is what we found out from the hour-long interview:

That the V.P. isn’t a napper; that she digs Doritos and jigsaw puzzles; that her favorite F1 driver is Lewis Hamilton; that she went to see U2 at the Sphere; and that a rare area of musical agreement between her and Doug, her husband, is their love of Prince.

Exactly what inquiring American minds want to know.

Stern launched hard-hitting questions right out of the gate, beginning by marveling at Harris’ schedule and asking if she ever naps. He moved on to complain about a recent Saturday Night Live episode in which Kamala was imitated by comedienne Maya Rudolph, because when it comes to mockery, Democrat totalitarians can dish it out but they can’t take it. “I hate it. I don’t want you being made fun of,” Stern told the VP. “There’s too much at stake. I believe the entire future of this country right now… it’s literally on the line.”

In all fairness, Stern is right about the stakes involved, although not for the reason he thinks. The threat to the future of this country is the Party represented by the woman sitting right across from him.

But TDS sufferer Stern fretted that the real totalitarian is Trump. When Kamala fear-mongered about Trump’s joke that he would be a dictator on day one of his presidency, and suggested that Trump would start jailing journalists critical of him, Stern added that comedians are at risk too.

“He said he thinks he wants to go after Jimmy Kimmel, a comedian,” Stern panicked. “You want to go after Stephen Colbert and Seth Meyers? What?” Apparently neither Kamala nor Stern are aware that Trump has already been POTUS for a full term and never “went after” journalists, comedians, or even moronic shock jocks.

Later in the conversation, Stern claimed Trump would ban “gay rights next,” and Harris agreed, of course. Again: Trump was already president and made no effort to ban gay rights. If anything, Trump has been one of the friendliest Republican politicians to the LGBT community. Perhaps Stern was referring to Trump’s promise that he would put a stop to sex change surgeries for minors without parental consent. Perhaps he meant Trump’s support for keeping men out of women’s sports. Are those the “gay rights” Stern is worried about losing?

Stern then went full TDS-unhinged, asking Kamala if she would feel safe in this country in the event of a Trump victory. “Would you stay in this country?” he asked, ludicrously. At one point, Stern sank to a Keith Olbermann-level of unhinged, declaring that “the sun’s literally going to go out” if Trump is re-elected. He told Harris, rather unnecessarily, “And yes, I’m voting for you.”

The interview, if you can call it that, was so fawning that even the New York Times called Stern out for it. Aforementioned columnist Michelle Cottle wrote that the Democrat nominee spent an “hour in the warm embrace” of a gushing fan who was “a little too openly butt-smoochy for my taste, but I like a little more spice in my political interviews.”

Well, Americans would like a little more substance, if not spice, in their political interviews, and that was completely lacking in the full hour everyone wasted listening to Howard Stern’s obsequious love-fest – just as it’s lacking in candidate Kamala Harris herself.

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