Saturday, July 20, 2024



The Tide Has Turned

For a split second, America stood at a crossroads. We were only a  quarter of an inch from liberals getting what they’ve not-so-secretly dreamed of for years.

But the assassin’s bullet missed. Was it a gust of Divine Wind, the spirit of our forefathers, or Providence himself who intervened? Perhaps all three?

Trump rose from the stage, blood streaming down his face and his fist in the air. Electrifying. That was real courage. Even Trump’s enemies had to acknowledge the greatness of that moment. Real virtue strikes the soul before any articulable cognition. Real virtue does not need to explain itself. Some men simply have more. More favor, more nobility, more sheer being.

Trump is one of those men. He is the greatest man of the age and a harbinger of something higher and more noble. In a time where decline is all around us and the lowest human types are in charge, Trump points to something better and higher.

His immediate reaction to being shot revealed once and for all that Trump’s virtues are not simply marketing. He is not a “con man” or a clown. Trump is real in a way that his enemies are not.

In early July, I wrote that Trump was a “Man of Destiny” who was going to win in November. I have never been more certain I was correct. Trump’s miraculous survival from the attempted assassination generated a seismic spiritual shift. We are in a new timeline, on the Golden Path. We can all feel it.

Peachy Keenan put it well over on Twitter:

I have been feeling like I’m in a dream, like how is Trump alive, he was not supposed to survive. I have not been able to shake this strange feeling of living in an alternate universe.

I just figured out what it feels like –hear me out.

It feels exactly like he WAS killed and died that day, but then so many prayers went up from around the world that it somehow reversed time, maybe just for a split second, and reran the event, and this time he lived.

Strangest feeling of having lived Version 1, but now we’re in Version 2. My husband agreed. Anyone else? We are sober lol.

It has never been more over for the libs.

As Tucker Carlson pointed out earlier this year, the logical conclusion of the ever-escalating attacks on Trump—from the pee tapes to Russiagate to impeachment to COVID to the fraudulent 2020 election and then the dozens of felonies—pointed, inevitably, to assassination. The next step after Biden’s disastrous debate performance was violence. The only way to stop Trump was to kill him.

But it didn’t work. Trump wasn’t supposed to live. The weaponized incompetence of the Secret Service was supposed to culminate in Trump’s brains getting blown out on live television. That was what was supposed to happen.

But it didn’t. By a quarter of an inch.

The whole American Left, for years, had been gathering its energy for this. Trump dying at the hands of a mentally ill freak was the whole point of Biden’s rhetoric about Trump as a “danger to democracy” and his ranting about MAGA Republicans being the source of American fascism. It was the whole point of the unhinged insanity directed by the left for nearly 10 years now.

And it didn’t work. The left is now exhausted. Spent.

The only options now are to try and force America into a war with Russia and cancel the election or to try and use even more brutal methods against Trump. An IED strike on a rally, perhaps?

And yet, in all honesty, those options don’t feel real. There is no consensus in The Blob for Biden. How can the ruling class guide the nation into a shooting war with a nuclear power in a moment like this? How can they contrive the proper false flag attack to generate support for an existential war to “save democracy” when virtually no one in the country today believes that the assassin this past weekend was acting alone?

With the decrepit Biden precariously perched at the top of the Democrat ticket, how can they plausibly engineer mass fraud? Even the biggest Democratic donors don’t believe it. $90 million in pledged funds to left-wing SuperPACs has been frozen. Clooney is calling for Biden to step down in the pages of the NYT and leading Democrat strategists are telling reporters that they have resigned themselves to a second Trump presidency.

All of this feels inevitable. From the moment that Trump rose up off that stage, everything felt possible. On Monday, Judge Aileen Cannon threw out the classified documents case against Trump and Trump chose a right-wing populist as his vice president pick.

Biden is in full-on collapse. Liberals are despairing. Trump has never looked stronger or more alive.

That energy, this spiritual vibe shift, has spread throughout the land. Patriots are reinvigorated and filled with hope. Trump was right—we are going to win so much that we will be sick of winning.

We are going to make America great again and there is nothing the left can do to stop it.

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