I attempted to publish this comment at Small Dead Animals a couple of days ago. It was repeatedly rejected. See my comments about its rejection at the bottom of this post.
NOTE: Chaplin Gale has been suspended for making suggestive remarks to a fellow officer.

Captain Beatrice Gale
Chaplain Beatrice Gale, the Canadian Armed Forces’ first openly transgender chaplain, says:
“It makes us stronger when we share our challenges, and I hope that being a transgender chaplain sends a message to the 2SLGBTQI+ community that the Royal Canadian Chaplain Service cares. That it cares for that community.”
"I am a woman", he declares.
No, he is not. He simply is not.
Human biology is immutable. This is a fundamental truth. But Mr. Gale does not realise this. This makes him a fool. In addition, he is also a fraud and a coward because of his lack of the mental and moral qualities that constitute character.
Culture is an indispensable part of human existence but culture must always be tethered to biological reality. But when culture simply becomes a vehicle for wishful thinking eventually there will be a disconnect from reality and there will be consequences
I attempted to comment, here on SDA, about this person on or about Mar 31/24. The comment immediately disappeared. I tried several more times but all of these attempts failed. On a hunch, I removed this passage:
Note: I tried several times to publish the offending passage but my comments immediately disappeared.
Your guess is as good as mine as to what was the reason is for these comment rejections.
I have put my original comment up on my blog. The part I removed is highlighted in red. You can link to the blog (I think) by clicking on my moniker.
Today, my favorite word is “schadenfreude”.
Maybe I am being paranoid but….
If you read my comment today you could have concluded that I must be a very important person for some third party to be censoring my comments here at SDA. Or maybe it’s SDA that is very important. But, why are my comments being censored and how does this third party know when and where to censor?
There is only one answer that answers any of these questions: it is the federal government (or possibly just the military and/or intelligence branches) that is doing the censoring and they can only know when and where a comment is worthy of their attention because they monitor all comments (in Canada?) all the time.
Am I being paranoid or is this conclusion widely known and accepted and I am simply out of the loop?
As for me, I am going to be more cautious when comment. What a bloody country!
In the early 1980’s there was a public affairs TV show on one of the Canadian networks that showed how CSIS tapped millions of telephones in Canada and monitored conversations with computers. If certain “trigger” words were spoken,the entire conversation was then recorded and examined by CSIS. It was supposed to be about preventing terrorism.
If they indulged in that kind of activity way back then, you can be damned sure they are doing so now,with much more sophistication. I would imagine many websites, especially conservative ones, are monitored regularly. I’d bet a small amount of money that SDA is on the LPC’s list of enemies, as well.