Saturday, October 14, 2023


Let us not forget that the Palestinian movement is literally descended from Nazi ideology. 

The father of the movement was Mohammad Amin al-Husayni, who was a convicted Nazi War Criminal who helped organize the 13 SS-Handschar Waffengebirgsjager, 21 SS-Skandberg WaffenGerbirgsjager, and 23 SS-Kama Waffengerbirgsjager Divisions, all active in the Holocaust in the Balkans. 

He spend WW 2 in Germany, was friends with Himmler and Eichmann, and was briefed in on the "Final Solution" extermination plans. 

He was chairman of the Arab Higher Executive, the first incarnation of the PLO/PA, and his granddaughter was the wife of the PLO Black September group leader who plotted and carried out the 1972 Munich Olympics massacre. 

He helped the Nazis organize the uprisings in WW 2 in Iraq and Syria, helping organize the movements that became the Ba'ath parties in both countries.

Israel needs to stop listening to the BS and take land to secure themselves against the wolves that are their neighbors. You give Hamas any territory and they will fight you from there. They have stated clearly their goal to wipe Israel out of existence.

They have educated their people to have a zealous view of Israelis, much like the Japanese thought of Americans in WWII. Only beating their will to fight will stop them. Much like the Japanese.

Hamas needs to be eradicated and follow the trail back to Iran and level their leadership. This human cancer must be cut out. And apply a constant chemo treatment to what is left. Hunt down and eliminate.

Sorry but this should be a turning point, no matter what the international community cries about. Because the international community has shown their cards as anti-Israel and pro-Hamas.

I agree. From news reports I understand that the IDF has told the Gazians to leave because they are coming into Gaza. If they choose not to leave, they should suffer the consequences. The Israeli's have already cut off all food, water and electricity to Gaza. They have enacted a blockade of the sea. They should also make clear to the Arabs that these services will never be restored; there will be no water to Gaza, no electricity and no food will be allowed to be shipped in. Gazians are the worlds largest group of welfare recipients. They exist solely because western countries provide them with money and sustenance. Make sure they understand that all of that is gone forever. Then level the place. completely and total make it a rubble heap.

We need to remember the only component of Hitler's Axis not ground into dust in World War II was the Middle East. There the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Mohammad Amin al-Husayni, raised an SS division of Muslims to support Hitler's genocide of the Jews. It is not inappropriate to remember their Nazi sympathies because they have never renounced them.

Indeed they continue Hitler’s program of Jewish extermination as we speak.

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