Tuesday, April 12, 2022



SUNDAY, JULY 11, 2021

Click on any image to enlarge

Took off this morning at 8:20 am. Biked to Lickman Road at 

the Trans-Can Hwy. Round trip 160+km. Took about 5 hours. 

Uneventful except for a nasty spill about halfway back on the 

return leg. 

The right side trailer wheel got caught in a rut and whipsawed

 my bike's rear end causing the spill. I was going about 30 kph

 when I landed face side down on the asphalt and the bike and 

trailer landed on top of me. Face down, spread-eagled, my left

foot pinned under the rear wheel and my right foot tangled 

between the chain and the chain tensioner, I found myself 

unable to move. 

Luckily, it was on a busy highway so lots of people stopped

and got out of their cars to help and they got me untangled. 

I have some road rash on legs and other parts but nothing 

serious. It was a good thing it happened where people were 

around. If it had happened in the outback it might have been 

fatal because I was absolutely immobilized by the weight of 

the bike and trailer.

So, there are no more plans to roam the back country for me. 

I'm done. At my age with significantly reduced strength levels 

there may come a time when I might get into something that I 

couldn't get out of.

Injury Update July 23/21


You can see that the left leg wounds have healed up nicely. 

There is a lot of pain in my right shin. I suspect that there are 

hairline fractures in my shinbone. If so, then it will take at least 

another month to heal.

Further Update: 

It has now been almost nine weeks since the spill. Somehow, things 

are not quite right. They say that a cat has nine lives. I don't 

know how many humans have but I now feel that I have one 


Even further update (April 24/22)

It is almost ten months since the fall and my leg is only about 

90% healed. 

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  Thang Long Industrial Park Hung Yen Province (33 km east of central Hanoi, approximately 60 minutes by car) Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2...