Friday, April 29, 2022


clic on pic to enlarge

It was nice going out at a later time. The temp was the same as it was on the last outing but it wasn't as chilly because the early evening winds had died down. A big plus was very little traffic. I took a couple of pics at my usual spot.

Start time 9:20 pm

Start Voltage                                 58.0
Finish Voltage                               52.1
Ah                                                 15.53
Trip Distance                                34.64 km
Distance                                      10270 km                                
Time                                             57:58
Av. Speed                                     35.8
Wh/km                                          22.8
Trip Wh                                       789.57

Thursday, April 28, 2022


Temp 14.8 C

Start Time 6:20 pm
Start Voltage                                 58.0
Finish Voltage                               51.2
Ah                                                 17.67
Trip Distance                                34.66 km
Distance                                      10235 km                                
Time                                             54:37
Av. Speed                                     38.00
Wh/km                                          25.2
Trip Wh                                       869.55

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Bike Diary Apr 26/22

Temp 14.1 C

Start Time 8:09 pm
Start Voltage                                 58.0
Finish Voltage                               52.6
Ah                                                 14.61
Trip Distance                                30.46 km
Distance                                      10200 km                                
Time                                             49.25
Av. Speed                                     36.90
Wh/km                                          24.4
Trip Wh                                       740.00

Monday, April 25, 2022


Temp 13.0 C

Start Time 8:09 pm
Start Voltage                                 58.0
Finish Voltage                               51.8
Ah                                                 15.81
Trip Distance                                33.02 km
Distance                                      10170 km                                
Time                                             53:57
Av. Speed                                     36.70
Wh/km                                          24.5
Trip Wh                                       807.04

Thursday, April 21, 2022


Temp 13.6 C

Start Time 7:09 pm
Start Voltage                                 58.0
Finish Voltage                               51.6
Ah                                                 16.62
Trip Distance                                35.73 km
Distance                                      10137 km                                
Time                                             55:58
Av. Speed                                     35.73
Wh/km                                          23.5
Trip Wh                                       835.64

Tuesday, April 19, 2022


Temp 10.1 C

Start Time 8:10 pm
Start Voltage                                 58.0
Finish Voltage                               52.3
Ah                                                 15.05
Trip Distance                                32.88 km
Distance                                      10101 km                                
Time                                             54:51
Av. Speed                                     35.9
Wh/km                                          23.3
Trip Wh                                       760.88

Thursday, April 14, 2022


click on image to enlarge

Temp 10.6 C

Start Time 8:19 pm
Start Voltage                                 58.0
Finish Voltage                               52.3
Ah                                                 14.64
Trip Distance                                30.7 km
Distance                                    10031 km                                
Time                                             50:24
Av. Speed                                     37.5
Wh/km                                          23.9
Trip Wh                                       734.42

Tuesday, April 12, 2022



SUNDAY, JULY 11, 2021

Click on any image to enlarge

Took off this morning at 8:20 am. Biked to Lickman Road at 

the Trans-Can Hwy. Round trip 160+km. Took about 5 hours. 

Uneventful except for a nasty spill about halfway back on the 

return leg. 

The right side trailer wheel got caught in a rut and whipsawed

 my bike's rear end causing the spill. I was going about 30 kph

 when I landed face side down on the asphalt and the bike and 

trailer landed on top of me. Face down, spread-eagled, my left

foot pinned under the rear wheel and my right foot tangled 

between the chain and the chain tensioner, I found myself 

unable to move. 

Luckily, it was on a busy highway so lots of people stopped

and got out of their cars to help and they got me untangled. 

I have some road rash on legs and other parts but nothing 

serious. It was a good thing it happened where people were 

around. If it had happened in the outback it might have been 

fatal because I was absolutely immobilized by the weight of 

the bike and trailer.

So, there are no more plans to roam the back country for me. 

I'm done. At my age with significantly reduced strength levels 

there may come a time when I might get into something that I 

couldn't get out of.

Injury Update July 23/21


You can see that the left leg wounds have healed up nicely. 

There is a lot of pain in my right shin. I suspect that there are 

hairline fractures in my shinbone. If so, then it will take at least 

another month to heal.

Further Update: 

It has now been almost nine weeks since the spill. Somehow, things 

are not quite right. They say that a cat has nine lives. I don't 

know how many humans have but I now feel that I have one 


Even further update (April 24/22)

It is almost ten months since the fall and my leg is only about 

90% healed. 


   Repost from January 16/21

clic on image to enlarge

Above: You can see that I now have 15 batteries. Numbers 1 through 10 are genuine Hailong batteries rated at  52v x 16 Ah. I purchased them from Grin Technologies and they have held up very well. I can rely on them to deliver 800+ Wh each.

Numbers 11 through 15 are from a company in China. They are advertised as Hailong batteries and are rated at 52v x 17.5 Ah. This rating is quite exaggerated. On average they only deliver 670 Wh of usable power. Testing revealed that these batteries only accept 13 Ah of charge after being completely discharged.  

I bought these batteries at a low price but what looked like a bargain was not. If you shop local - and have a problem - you have a legal way to seek redress. But when you buy direct from China you are generally out of luck. 

When I first contacted the company from China they dismissed my claims. But I am not without resources and after I brought those to bear, the company quickly settled.

Under the terms of the financial settlement I reached with the company I cannot reveal the company's name. The settlement agreement was that I got back cash plus I got to keep the batteries.

Additionally, the company changed their claim that these batteries are genuine Hailong batteries and now refer to them as Hailong "style" batteries although they still claim that they are rated at 52v x 17.5 Ah

Buyer beware!

Note: Battery #13 is particularly bad. It is so unpredictable that if it was a human I would say that it was psycho. It will crash without warning at any time. It doesn't matter if I am using it as a single battery or as part of a 3 battery pack hooked up in parallel. And if it is part of a 3 battery pack it will take out the other 2 batteries with it when it crashes. 

But no matter when it crashes, if I put #13 on the bench and hook it up to a very low 8 W discharge I find that there is as many Wh as you might expect from a normal battery still in it which I am unable to access during normal use. 

I have a theory about why this is so (perhaps a bad cell whose voltage sags prematurely on acceleration causing the BMS to cut out?) but I know so little about these matters that my guess could be pure nonsense. 

Let me also add that when Grin batteries deplete there is always enough charge left in them to illuminate the bike's  lights and the Cycle Analyst. When I am out in the countryside at midnight this is very helpful when I have to pedal home. 

Contrast this with the troublesome batteries. When they crash it is lights out and one is left in the middle of nowhere in the pitch black unable to even see one's hand in front of one's face. This very disconcerting.

I now carry spare running lights that have their own batteries.

Update: Battery #6 now has the same problem.

click on image to enlarge

Not having a basement or a garage I am forced to keep my bike in a corner of my living room. Coming back from a rainy run is a pain in the neck!

Sunday, April 10, 2022



Very windy again!

Finally, 10,000 km!

Not one broken spoke!

Not one flat tire!


Temp 10.4 C

Start Time 4:19 pm

Start Voltage                                 58.0
Finish Voltage                               51.8
Ah                                                 16.
Av. Speed                                     37.5
Wh/km                                          23.8
Trip Wh                                       831.9842
Trip Distance                                35.07 km
Distance                                       10,000 km
Time                                             56:00

Saturday, April 9, 2022


Very windy down by the river!

Only 35 km until 10,000!!

11.4 C

Start Time 2:17 pm
Start Voltage                                 57.8
Finish Voltage                               52.0
Ah                                                 15.83
Trip Distance                                31.29 km
Distance                                       9965 km
Time                                             49:23
Av. Speed                                     38.00
Wh/km                                          25.5
Trip Wh                                       793.03

Friday, April 8, 2022


Sky turned black on the way home. Temp dropped noticeably. Started to rain heavily moments after getting home.

Only 66 km until 10,000!!

11.4 C

Start Time 6:09 pm
Start Voltage                                 58.0
Finish Voltage                               51.7 
Ah                                                 16.86
Trip Distance                                34.17 km
Distance                                        9934 km
Time                                             53:20
Av. Speed                                     38.40
Wh/km                                          24.8
Trip Wh                                       844.36

Thursday, April 7, 2022


Sunny, partly cloudy.

15.2 C

Start Time 1:00 pm
Start Voltage                                 58.0
Finish Voltage                               51.7 
Ah                                                 16.67
Trip Distance                                32.75 km
Distance                                        9900 km
Time                                             49.45
Av. Speed                                     39.40
Wh/km                                          25.30
Trip Wh                                       825.27

Wednesday, April 6, 2022



Very windy today. Sunny, partly cloudy.

12.1 C

Start Time 1:00 pm
Start Voltage                                 58.0
Finish Voltage                               52.3 
Ah                                                 15.17
Trip Distance                                30.80 km
Distance                                        9867 km
Time                                               49.11
Average Speed                              37.5 km/h
Wh/km                                            24.7
Trip Wh                                         758.80

Tuesday, April 5, 2022


Very windy today. Sunny but partly cloudy so no blinding light.

10.6 C

Start Time 1:30 pm
Start Voltage                                 58.0
Finish Voltage                               51.4 
Ah                                                 16.86
Trip Distance                                30.46 km
Distance                                        9836 km
Time                                               47:21
Average Speed                              38.5 km/h
Wh/km                                            27.2
Trip Wh                                         824.58

Saturday, April 2, 2022


10.6 C

Start Time 12:00 pm
Start Voltage                                 58.0
Finish Voltage                               52.0 
Ah                                                 15.93
Trip Distance                                32.74 km
Distance                                        9806 km
Time                                               51:13
Average Speed                              38.3 km/h
Wh/km                                            24.4
Trip Wh                                         798.50


  Thang Long Industrial Park Hung Yen Province (33 km east of central Hanoi, approximately 60 minutes by car) Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2...