no exaggeration to see the spectre of Nazism in the Palestinian cause
several days, all anybody could talk about was President Donald Trump’s
suggestion that Gaza would be rebuilt as an American “Riviera”, a real-estate
honeypot whose erstwhile inhabitants would be resettled in Jordan, Egypt and
other countries where apparently they would build happy and productive new lives
for themselves away from the shattered landscape of the Gaza war zone.
was astounded; people were variously ecstatic, appalled, confused. Was Trump a
genius or a lunatic? Did he mean it? What exactly did he
mean? Would the Gazans be able to return to this prospective Monaco of the
Middle East if they wanted to do so, or was Trump proposing to send them all
into exile? Should we take what he was saying seriously but not literally? And
if he did mean it literally, how would this actually be
the three Israeli hostages, Eli Sharabi, Ohad Ben Ami and Or Levy, were brought
out of hell. Now the kaleidoscope was shaken once again. And now grief and
horror overwhelmed all else.
three released captives were unrecognisable from the men who had been seized on
October 7 2023 and dragged into the dungeons of Gaza. They were emaciated,
sunken-eyed, walking unsteadily. They had been starved and tortured.
now learn they were shackled inside a dark tunnel with no air or light; chained
and unable to stand so that one of them had to be taught to walk again before
being released; suffocated, hung upside down and burned; starved and then forced
to eat rotten bread, and forced also to decide who among them would eat.
who was clearly shaken and appalled by these images, observed that that three
men “looked like Holocaust survivors” and said: “I don’t know how much longer we
can take that”. He was clearly not just horrified but deeply, profoundly
long last, this was a morally correct response by a western leader to current
Jewish suffering. It was a vitally important response. It was the only decent
the world has now seen graphic evidence of what Israel is up against.
Holocaust comparison is not an exaggeration. The three Israelis were living
examples of the nightmarish images that are burned into the collective Jewish
memory: the skeletal figures who were liberated from Belsen and other Nazi
concentration camps in 1945, victims of monsters who had the same psychopathic
aim as Hamas of exterminating the Jews.
we must always be careful not to downplay and thus misrepresent the unique
horror of the Holocaust in both its scale and execution, the treatment of the
Israelis is similar to the Nazi programme. It’s not just that the aim is the
same. It’s that along with the murder, violence and starvation it also displays
the hallmark characteristics of the Nazis — the sadism, the depraved barbarism,
the desire to physically and psychologically torture and humiliate these
captives just because they were Jews. That’s also what was on such conspicuous
display in the pogrom of October 7 2023 when Israelis (and others) were
slaughtered, raped, mutilated, tortured, beheaded and burned alive. And other
Israeli captives are still being held in those Gaza torture chambers.
on cue after Trump made his “Gaza Riviera” remarks, the west’s morally cretinous
classes launched a collective cry of “ethnic cleansing” and “collective
punishment” of the “ordinary Gaza civilians”. What hooey. The Gaza civilians
should be held to account over collective responsibility
for the atrocities against the Israelis.
only did the “ordinary Gaza civilians” vote genocidal Hamas into power, but they
are enthusiasts for the October 7 pogrom and for further atrocities against
Israeli Jews. It was “ordinary Gaza civilians” who followed Hamas in pouring
across the border fence on October 7 and who rampaged through the Israeli
kibbutzim and the Supernova festival site raping, murdering and kidnapping
Israelis. It was “ordinary Gaza civilians” who swarmed, taunted, humiliated and
abused the Israelis kidnapped into Gaza and who desecrated the bodies of those
who had been murdered, treating them as trophies of war.
more, the entire Gaza Strip was turned into a launching pad for genocide with an
underground infrastructure composed of hundreds of miles of tunnels to create a
parallel world devoted entirely to the mass murder of Jews. If there were any
“ordinary Gaza civilians” who objected, they kept a very low profile.
troops who risked their lives in clearing out Hamas have reported that virtually
every house had a terrorist tunnel beneath it, virtually every house possessed a
copy of Hitler’s Mein Kampf, and virtually every hospital,
school and clinic was used as a weapons store or terrorist hub.
claim of “ethnic cleansing” is even more morally and intellectually
proposal to displace the people of Gaza has absolutely nothing to do with their
ethnic composition. It is because they are an enemy population that not only
tried but still intends to destroy another country and murder its citizens.
the historian Andrew Roberts has written, if people launch aggressive wars and
lose them they forfeit by their behaviour all rights to remain in the territory
that they have turned into an engine of war.
population displacements have happened over and over again. After the Second
World War, Europe accepted the deportation of some three million Germans from
the Sudetenland because of their leader’s complicity with Hitler, and the area
was re-populated with ethnic Czechs.
is not, as the progressive classes claim, “sovereign” territory; it has never
been the sovereign territory of anybody. Nor is it the Gazans’ “home”; as Hillel
Neuer of UN Watch has so aptly observed, if the Arabs of Gaza are “refugees” —
as we have been told ad infinitum — Gaza cannot be their home. QED.
fact, many if not most Gazans have long been desperate to live elsewhere but
have been effectively imprisoned by an Arab world determined to keep them as far
away as possible — both to enrage world opinion against the Jews, and because
they are known to be trouble personified.
cleansing is what actually happened after 1948 to the Jews of the Middle East,
800,000 of whom were driven out of Arab lands in which Jews had lived for
centuries — driven out purely because they were Jews. And ethnic cleansing is
what the very same people who are levelling this claim at Trump are themselves
demanding when they insist that Jewish residents of the disputed territories of
Judea and Samaria should be removed from their homes there in accordance with
the Palestinian demand that there should be no Jews in “Palestine”.
it’s not just Hamas that is the menace to civilisation. It’s the whole
Palestinian cause. The Palestinian Arabs of the West Bank mount a never-ending
attempt to murder Jews in the disputed territories and in Israel. The depravity
of the October 7 pogrom was nothing new: in 2011, Ruth and Udi Fogel and their
three children were slaughtered in their beds in their house in Samaria, and
their baby was virtually decapitated, by an Arab from the territories of the
“West Bank”.
the biggest faction in the supposedly ”moderate” Palestinian Authority, has
repeatedly extolled the October 7 massacre. PA police officers have been
involved in terrorist plots against Israeli Jews. The PA, which pays “salaries”
to the families of terrorists who murder Jews, pumps out Nazi-style demonisation
of Jews with which it indoctrinates its children to murder Jews and steal their
short, Palestinian society is entirely constructed around a poisonous and
murderous hatred of Jews and the desire to remove them from the face of the
emaciated figures who staggered out of their Gaza hellhole have illuminated the
obscenity of the way in which so much of the west has behaved — trying to
minimise, sanitise or excuse what the Palestinian Arabs have done to the
Israelis; representing them as victims of the Israelis
they have so viciously attacked; and demonising the Israelis with murderous
falsehoods for the apparent crime of defending themselves against this genocidal
we can see the monstrosity of the way the Biden administration bullied and
blackmailed Israel into allowing Hamas to survive.
we can see the moral depravity of all those in the west — including Biden, Sir
Keir Starmer and other western politicians, NGOs like Human Rights Watch and
Amnesty, and the wretched prelates of the Church of England — who have accused
Israel of causing starvation in Gaza. The Gazan mobs who menaced the terrified
Israeli hostages as they were released were well fed, plump, even obese; it’s
the Israeli hostages who have been deliberately and murderously starved — by the
people who have been promoted as victims by the west’s Israel-bashers.
moral bankruptcy towards Israel is nothing new. It has characterised the
so-called civilised world for almost a century. The Arabs of pre-Israel
Palestine should have been dispersed after 1948 when their side lost the war of
extermination that was mounted to destroy at its rebirth the fledgling State of
those Arabs were fashioned into a weapon against Israel’s existence by being
turned preposterously into permanent refugees. The entirely spurious claim of a
Palestinian national identity was cooked up in the 1960s between the terrorist
leader Yassir Arafat and the Soviet Union as a strategy to destroy the Jews’
homeland, steal from them their own history in the land and re-label it
“Palestinian” history, and fry the brains of the west in order to undermine it
and soften it up for its destruction. That strategy has been carried out to the
the west, led by Britain from the 1930s onwards, has consistently rewarded and
incentivised mass murder against the Jews while upending international law by
promising those waging this genocidal war a part of the Jews’ own historic and
legally pledged homeland as the route to “peace” in the Middle East.
only moral course of action, the only way this century-old war to exterminate
the Jewish homeland will be brought to an end in a just way, is to say to the
Palestinian Arabs that it’s all over. They will never get a state; they don’t
deserve a state; they never wanted a state, other than as a springboard to
destroy Israel; and if they persist in their aim to destroy Israel and kill
Jews, they will be treated henceforth as pariahs.
so should all who support them be treated. The obscene Palestinian cause is worn
as the badge of conscience by the west’s progressive classes. That illustrates
instead their repudiation of conscience. The Palestinian cause has destroyed the
moral compass of the west.
Trump’s musings about a “Gaza Riviera” signal an equivalent strategy towards the
Palestinian cause as a whole, he won’t just reshape the Middle East in a way
that will bring it peace and justice. He will start to haul the west out of the
moral abyss into which it has fallen.