Monday, February 26, 2024
Anatomy of a Left-wing Obsession
by Victor Davis Hanson - Feb 26, 2024
The more candidate Trump in 2016 trolled the Clinton campaign (e.g., “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing, I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press”), the more the irate left bought into hysterical conspiracy theories.
Finally, the left became completely unhinged after the 2016 victory. An Obama-era Pentagon lawyer published an essay exploring the chance for a military coup. Retired lieutenant colonels called for a Pentagon intervention. Retired four-stars could not decide whether he was Hitler-like, Mussolini, or the architect of Auschwitz. Celebrities competed to find the most savage image of eliminating Trump—whether by combustion, incineration, decapitation, lethal shooting, or stabbing.
Since then, the press has run with lurid stories about Trump, from having syphilis sores on his hands to “proof” of him beating up Melania. But amid the unhinged hatred, nothing has quite reached the absurdity of the Russia! Russia! obsessions.
In 2016, the country went through crackpot leftist charges of Russian collusion that helped to destroy the lives of innocents like Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn, Carter Page, and George Papadopoulos. Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s lawyers (gushed over by pundits as the “dream team/all-stars/hunter-killer team”), despite all the pre-investigational hype and hagiography, spent 22 months and $40 million to find no evidence that the Russians swung the election to Trump.
But in that sordid process, we learned the following: that a felonious FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith was convicted of doctoring a court document to mislead a FISA court in efforts to surveille an innocent man; that the FBI director James Comey recorded and leaked via a third party to the New York Times a private, confidential, and likely classified conversation with the President and lied to the president that he was not the subject of a federal investigation; and that he preposterously claimed amnesia or ignorance on 245 occasions under oath to a congressional committee about the various skullduggery of the FBI under his watch.
Comey was outdone by special counsel Robert Mueller. He claimed under oath that he knew almost nothing about Fusion GPS or the Steele dossier, the twin catalysts that had led to his very appointment.
We learned in addition that Christopher Steele was hired by Hillary Clinton (whose campaign was fined $113,000 for federal campaign finance violations), albeit behind three stealthy paywalls (the DNC, Perkins Coie law firm, and Fusion GPS) to disguise her role.
The British ex-spy Steele’s mission was to find dirt on her presidential opponent, Trump. He did so by compiling a “dossier” of fakery and smears. Ironically, many of the most scurrilous charges might have reached Steele through Russian sources.
Yet the left and cable anchors cited as gospel the dossier chapter and verse—until they didn’t, once the weight of its ridiculousness finally crushed their assertions. Steele, remember, was at one time a paid FBI informant, and as a foreign national, was supposed to be barred by statute from being hired by a presidential campaign.
In one of the notable political scandals in recent history, the present National Security Advisor and former Clintonite campaign operative, Jake Sullivan, used various surrogates to promote the lie that there was some sort of secret “backchannel” electronic “ping” communications between the Russian Alfa Bank and the Trump campaign and Trump Organization. The concocted myth was considered useful in advancing the “collusion” lie throughout the media, until even MSNBC and CNN quietly dropped the accusation.
Note “Russian collusion” destroyed the careers of three former FBI chiefs and a host of others. The amnesiac Mueller was discredited to the point of embarrassment in his congressional testimony. James Comey’s machinations finally entrapped him in a web of deceit and partisanship. Andrew McCabe committed career suicide by lying on at least three occasions to federal officials and allegedly co-dreaming up the ridiculous “wire” caper with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to secretly tape the President of the United States in efforts to prove him unhinged and thus to remove him via the 25th Amendment.
FBI counsel James Baker was instrumental in trying to seed the fake dossier with the media before resigning and being hired by Twitter for a multimillion-dollar salary as deputy general counsel. Twitter, remember, was contracted in 2020 by the FBI to help suppress news accounts deemed unfavorable to the Biden project. Adam Schiff’s House Intelligence Committee’s “minority report” on collusion is now regarded as one of utter fantasy, despite being treated at its release as the final word on collusion.
Disinformation about Disinformation
Given the sordid Russia! Russia! conduct of 2016, one would have thought the left would have dropped the “collusion” caper. But instead, like an addict, they resumed their fixation again in 2020—as “collusion” now transmogrified into “disinformation.” When Hunter Biden abandoned his Biden-incriminating laptop at a repair shop and its contents reached the media, despite the best efforts of the FBI to suppress it, the administrative state went into action with another Russia! Russia! hoax.
Another member of the current Biden national security team (is there a pattern here?), current Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, called up former acting CIA Director Michael Morrell to round up more than 50 former senior intelligence officials and “authorities” to sign and release on October 19—just three days before the final Biden-Trump debate and less than three weeks before Election Day—a collective letter. In it, the signed “experts” claimed that the released emails on Hunter Biden’s laptop (it was then currently in FBI possession and the agency knew it was genuine) had “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”
Only it had none.
That was a demonstrable lie and soon proved to be—but only conveniently after the election. Note that no one in the FBI challenged that accusation despite, again, being in possession of the contents of the laptop. The laptop farce enabled Joe Biden three days later to assert in the debate:
“There are 50 former national intelligence folks who said that what he’s accusing me of is a Russian plant. They have said that this has all the … five former heads of the CIA, both parties, say what he’s saying is a bunch of garbage. Nobody believes it except him and his good friend, Rudy Giuliani.”
Biden failed to remind Trump that his own campaign flack, Blinken, had helped to cook up the entire scheme to arm Biden in the debate.
Two years later, in August 2022, the Technometrica Institute of Policy and Politics polled 1,335 adults and found that almost four out of five Americans who reported that they followed the elected felt that an honest reporting of the laptop scandal would have altered the result of the 2020 presidential election.
Seventy-four percent of those polled felt that the FBI had deliberately misled the public when it falsely claimed that the laptop was part of Russian “disinformation.” Note that the FBI went further still, enlisting Twitter and other social media platforms before the election to censor any news account that accurately stated the laptop was authentic.
Note also that Hunter and his lawyers, in surreal fashion, are currently suing the repairman for “invasion of privacy” violations—without admitting that Hunter’s laptop is Hunter’s laptop. Hunter, in interviews, has not denied it was his, only that he was unsure. Yet he would never deny his ownership under oath, since he knows it is demonstrably his laptop, along with the contents inside it. So exposing his own abandoned laptop is an “invasion of privacy,” but Hunter does not claim the laptop is or is not his?
No “authority” who signed the letter—not John Brennan, not James Clapper, not Leon Panetta—has ever apologized for spreading disinformation on the eve of a debate and election to alter the results.
For a party that lectures ad nauseam about saving democracy and “election interference,” it is hard to imagine greater interference than a campaign rounding up sympathetic intelligence authorities to mislead the country to warp an election, even as the FBI and social media were doing the same work through censoring news accounts.
What was Russian Reset?
But who exactly did go soft on Putin’s dictatorship?
On March 6, 2009, in Geneva, to great fanfare, Hillary Clinton, the U.S. Secretary of State, gave Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov a red plastic button with the word “reset” in English and, sort of, in Russian, to mark a supposed new partnership. The Obama administration subtext was that the prior militarist, President George W. Bush, had reacted too strongly to the 2008 Russian invasion of Georgia over territorial disputes in Ossetia. Indeed, for years after, Hillary Clinton characterized the appeasement of Putin that followed as a “brilliant stroke.”
Yet the story of reset for the next five years was serial U.S. concessions to Putin coupled with naïve expectations of Russian reform. Five years later, Vice President Joe Biden admitted that ‘reset’ was an utter failure, given the 2014 Russian invasions of the Donbass and the Crimea, serial Russian hacking of American institutions, and Russian buzzing of American planes and ships. Vladimir Putin had adjudicated the Obama/Biden naivete as frailty to be manipulated rather than an olive branch to be reciprocated.
Or, as Biden put it:
“All of us, we all invested in a type of Russia we hoped—and still hope—will emerge one day: a Russia integrated into the world economy; more prosperous, more invested in the international order.”
Recall the now-infamous Obama hot mic exchange in Seoul, South Korea, in March 2012, an election year, with then-Russian President Dmitri Medvedev. The latter is now known mostly in the West as Putin’s obsequious megaphone, who routinely threatens Ukraine, Europe, and the United States with nuclear retaliation. Obama, in his message to Putin, seemed to assume reset still constituted quid pro quo understandings, as the transcript of the hoc mic exchange demonstrates:
Obama: “On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved, but it’s important for him to give me space.”
Medvedev: “Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…”
Obama: “This is my last election. After my election, I have more flexibility.”
Medvedev: “I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir.”
Despite all the “fact checker” denials, what is often missed is that the proposed bargain was more than met: Obama continued to dismantle plans for Eastern European-American cooperation to protect from long- and short-range missiles, and so was more than “flexible” on killing a project that might well have given the Europeans some peace of mind after the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
In exchange, Putin cooperated by giving Obama “space” during his “last election” by not humiliating his foreign policy failures by invading yet another one of Russia’s neighbors. But after Obama was reelected and after missile defense was cancelled, Putin felt unbound again and invaded both Crimea and the Donbass in 2014, correctly expecting no retaliation at all.
Obama-Biden versus Trump on Russia
Amid all the narratives of Trump’s “collusion” and collaboration with Putin, there remains one truth that not even the postmodern media can erase. Putin invaded his neighbors in 2008, 2014, and 2022, or in three out of the last four administrations, but, notably, not during the Trump years of 2017-21.
Trump had killed more Russian combatants—perhaps 300 of the Wagner group mercenaries in Syria—than at any time during the Cold War. In August 2019, Trump withdrew American participation from the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty on grounds—supported by the Europeans—that Russians had repeatedly violated the agreements without serious American objections.
Trump sanctioned the Nord Stream 2 pipeline and warned the Germans that their dependency on Russian natural gas was self-defeating and undermined NATO solidarity. Such sanctions were overturned quickly once Biden entered office.
Trump sold offensive weapons—javelins included—to Ukraine, weapons systems previously tabled by Obama. In 2021, Biden froze $100 million in military aid to Ukraine, including offensive weaponry, after falling for Putin’s feints and lies that he was drawing down Russian troops from the Ukrainian border.
Biden, remember, asked Putin not to hack American humanitarian institutions. He said his reaction to a Putin invasion would hinge on whether it was a major or minor one, and offered to fly Ukrainian President Zelensky out of Kyiv when the Russians attacked.
Trump’s ‘drill baby, drill’ policy of flooding markets with cheap petroleum crashed the world price and cut deeply into Russian export income. In 2018, Trump hit more Russian officials, oligarchs, and companies with new sanctions.
One might conclude that Putin enjoys trash-talking and sermonizing American presidents who are careful never to confront him, while he is more wary of unpredictable presidents who say occasional nice things about him, even while they make his agendas impossible to implement.
As this year’s election nears, expect the Russia! Russia! fantasies to heat up again to mask a failing administration and its indefensible record of a lethally open border, inflation, crime waves, foreign policy implosions, crackpot energy agendas, the weaponization of our institutions, and deteriorating race relations.
Friday, February 9, 2024
Netanyahu Claims That Israel Is 'Just a Touch Away' From Declaring Victory Over Hamas
Of course, leftists all over the world, particularly here in America, are going to be irritated to hear that Hamas has almost been defeated, seeing as how they view the organization as a group of freedom fighters striking back at colonialist oppressors rather than radical religious zealots who would love to commit genocide against Jews and Christians. Then again, the left believes that everything is about the relationship between the oppressed and the oppressor.
“Now we are in Khan Younis, and we have guided the IDF to go into these last strongholds of Hamas,” Netanyahu said. “Here, again, when the time comes, the IDF, according to international law, will enable the civilians a safe passage outside these areas. The destruction of this underground is what we are going to do until the very end.”
“I would like to emphasize once again, there is no other solution other than this complete and decisive victory, because otherwise it is just a matter of time until the next massacre, and the axis of terror from Iran will continue,” the prime minister added. “So only by destroying Hamas will we have security for the State of Israel in the north and in the south, because Hamas would like to radiate its terror all over the Middle East. I said to the (U.S.) Secretary of State Anthony Blinken we’re just a touch away, a finger away from that decisive victory.”
You cannot be gentle with radical Islamic terrorists. They are religious zealots born out of a deeply ingrained warrior ethos and culture. They believe that they are on a divine mission to spread the rule and reign of Allah and will do so by force if necessary. Radicals of this nature are convinced that acts of rape, murder, and bloodshed are all justified.
Do leftists really believe these groups can actually be reasoned with? That is pure delusion. As Netanyahu noted here, there is no way to secure peace for his country, and others around the world, that does not involve the utter destruction of Hamas.
Netanyahu then delivered some words to the families of Hamas hostages, saying, “Now I would like to speak to the families of the hostages and say to them: Your dearly beloved are always in our hearts. We’re looking at you; we’re looking at them, their pictures, and our heart is broken. And we will not stop acting the whole time trying to find some kind of agreement; some way of bringing them home. Continuing this pressure is a condition; it’s an unequivocal situation and we must achieve their release, because if we do not we are going to bring a terrible catastrophe to the state of Israel if we stop.”
“Now, for the day after, I would like to clarify that the day after is the day after Hamas, not part of Hamas, not half Hamas, but the entire Hamas. And I said to Secretary of State Blinken that after we eliminate them, we will ensure that the Gaza Strip will be demilitarized forever. There is only one strength and power that can ensure that demilitarization. It is only the State of Israel and the IDF,” he concluded.
Stopping the campaign against Hamas now, before the job is completed, would be a mistake of massive proportions. It would result in retaliation against the Jewish state which would probably dwarf the attacks that occurred in October last year that started this conflict in the first place.
Despite the interference of Joe Biden, who has been sending messages to Israel in an attempt to get in the way of its efforts to take out Hamas, the prime minister must keep pushing.
According to the Daily Wire:
[Secretary of State Antony] Blinken has even attempted to draw a moral equivalence between Hamas’ brutal massacre of Israelis with Israel’s war on Hamas, saying on Wednesday, “Israelis were dehumanized in the most horrific way on October 7. The hostages have been dehumanized every day since. But that cannot be a license to dehumanize others.”
It takes gall to say something like this to a country that constantly faces enemies that hate it simply for existing. Blinken and the rest of the Biden administration are simply following the progressive agenda of spreading antisemitism all around the country and the world. It's sad this has become a tenet of their belief system, but it is what it is.
Wednesday, February 7, 2024
Tuesday, February 6, 2024
Saturday, February 3, 2024
There is a lot of good reading at the links. This newsletter is an excellent source to keep abreast of Putin's national objectives.
Putin Envisages Building A New Veteran-Led Russian Elite
The Russian leader knows the “new guard” of veterans haven’t been tainted by a life’s worth of Western-leaning sympathies unlike most of the “old guard” political and economic elite, whose naivete about the West led to them misleading him about its intentions and thus played role in the events leading up to the special operation.
President Putin shared his vision of a new veteran-led Russian elite in late January when meeting with ministers and top St. Petersburg officials according to RT’s report about their conversation:
“The Russian head of state previously revealed that some 617,000 service members had been deployed in Ukraine. ‘I met today with students, who put their studies on hold, many of them, [and] went to the warzone,’ Putin remarked. ‘It’s out of these people that we should be forming the country’s elite in the future,’ he added. The Russian head of state described returning troops as those who can be entrusted with the country’s development. ‘Hence, they should be supported [and] assisted.’”
Here are five background briefings about the ways in which the Russian leader has sought to reshape his country’s domestic affairs by way of reforming its elite:
* 1 January 2020: “20 Years Of Putin: His Top Domestic & Foreign Policy Successes”
* 28 October 2020: “President Putin’s 2020 Valdai Club Speech Articulated His Vision of Populist Statism”
* 4 November 2021: “Is Putin’s ‘Healthy/Moderate/Reasonable Conservatism’ Really a New Russian Ideology?”
* 11 June 2022: “President Putin’s Insight Into State Sovereignty Is Instructive For All Countries”
* 3 October 2022: “Putin’s Revolutionary Manifesto Focuses On The Struggle For Democracy Against The Deep State”
He basically wants to facilitate the rise of patriotic conservative-nationalists who’ll prioritize sovereignty and seamlessly channel the people’s will in order to continue safeguarding and modernizing the country.
The special operation, which has gone on for much longer than both sides expected due to each of them underestimating the other as explained here back in July 2022, led to over half a million Russians proving their patriotism by defending Russia’s national interests on the battlefield. These can be summarized as preserving its sovereignty, protecting its conservative-nationalist values, and promoting multipolarity. They’re accordingly the best crop of people to gradually replace the existing elite.
Up until the special operation, Russia’s political and economic elite privileged the West over the Global South, which was done for reasons of convenience and familiarity. Director of the Foreign Policy Planning Department of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alexei Drobinin shared his detailed thoughts on “The lessons of history and vision for the future” in August 2022 where he lambasted this class for their “ideological separation from the popular masses” over the centuries. All of that has now changed.
While most existing members of the elite were able to change their stripes by pivoting to the Global South in light of changing circumstances, it’s much better for them all to be replaced by proven patriotic conservative-nationalists who literally put their lives on the line fighting the West. The latter are much more politically reliable and can more easily adapt to everything than the “old guard”, who either fled or were compelled to change their ways in order to keep what they’d obtained thus far in their lives.
The “new guard” is just starting off with their lives, however, and have little to lose but lots to gain by growing within this new elite system. The Russian leader also knows that they haven’t been tainted by a life’s worth of Western-leaning sympathies unlike most of the “old guard”, whose naivete about the West led to them misleading him about its intentions. He’s responsible for his policy choices, but they were arguably influenced by Western-leaning advisors. Here are five background briefings on this:
* 7 July 2022: “Putin Cautioned Russian Strategic Forecasters Against Indulging In Wishful Thinking”
* 8 December 2022: “Merkel’s Admission That Minsk Was Just A Ruse Guarantees A Protracted Conflict”
* 24 December 2022: “Putin Explained Why He Had No Choice But To Protect The Russian Population In Ukraine”
* 26 December 2022: “The Five Ways In Which 2022 Completely Changed Russian Grand Strategy”
* 20 December 2023: “Putin’s Admission Of Naivety About The West Signals His New Stance Towards Peace Talks”
The lesson that he learned is that he can no longer rely on the existing elite after their pre-special operation paradigm of International Relations was comprehensively debunked. That’s not to say that there don’t exist any patriotic conservative-nationalists within the elite whose previously fringe views were proven right by events, nor that some previously Western-leaning ones didn’t sincerely change their stripes, but just that he’s obviously uncomfortable with how few there are within their ranks.
President Putin couldn’t in good conscience hand the country off to whoever his successor may be without knowing that the “new guard” is actively in the process of replacing the “old guard”. To be sure, this is already underway, but he wants to accelerate it as much as possible and that’s why he explicitly said in late January that he envisages a veteran-led elite in the coming future. Just like Moscow wasn’t built in a day, so too will it take time to rebuild the Russian elite, but thankfully they’re off to a solid start.
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Anatomy of a Left-wing Obsession by Victor Davis Hanson - Feb 26, 2024 The more candidate Trump in 2016 trolled the Clinton campaign (e.g...
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From the link:
…why do these globalist elites hate Netanyahu?
“Netanyahu, in my opinion one of [Israel’s] finest post-war leaders, who out of necessity is acting militarily to expunge the threat to his nation.” 100% agree. Netanyahu has my unconditional support. Recently, I had a serious quarrel with someone for their half hearted support for Israel in this war. There can be no half hearted or half measures in dealing with Hamas.
Nothing short of annihilation of Hamas, and anyone else offering tangible support for Hamas, will suffice in this war. Anything less than total annihilation will only allow this malignancy to reestablish itself.