Thursday, December 28, 2023



What happened on Oct 7?

I am generally contemptuous of the New York Times, but it deserves credit for this article on the violence against Israeli women and girls that was perpetrated by Gaza on October 7. The article is long and chilling. Organized gang rape, mutilation and murder were obviously features of the Gazans’ strategy. The evidence described by the Times is sickening; I credit a left-wing outlet for being willing to describe unflinchingly what Hamas’s supporters did.

For example:

The Times viewed photographs of one woman’s corpse that emergency responders discovered in the rubble of a besieged kibbutz with dozens of nails driven into her thighs and groin.

An eyewitness description:

The first victim she said she saw was a young woman with copper-color hair, blood running down her back, pants pushed down to her knees. One man pulled her by the hair and made her bend over. Another penetrated her, Sapir said, and every time she flinched, he plunged a knife into her back.
She said she then watched another woman “shredded into pieces.” While one terrorist raped her, she said, another pulled out a box cutter and sliced off her breast.

“One continues to rape her, and the other throws her breast to someone else, and they play with it, throw it, and it falls on the road,” Sapir said.

She said the men sliced her face and then the woman fell out of view. Around the same time, she said, she saw three other women raped and terrorists carrying the severed heads of three more women.

A description from another eyewitness:

Maybe 40 yards in front of him, he recalled, a white van pulled up and its doors flew open.
He said he then saw five men, wearing civilian clothes, all carrying knives and one carrying a hammer, dragging a woman across the ground. She was young, naked and screaming.

“They all gather around her,” Mr. Cohen said. “She’s standing up. They start raping her. I saw the men standing in a half circle around her. One penetrates her. She screams. I still remember her voice, screams without words.”

“Then one of them raises a knife,” he said, “and they just slaughtered her.”

Near the highway, he said, he found the body of a young woman, on her stomach, no pants or underwear, legs spread apart. He said her vagina area appeared to have been sliced open, “as if someone tore her apart.”

Testimony from a dentist:

Captain Maayan asked to be identified only by her rank and surname because of the sensitivity of the subject. She said she had seen several bodies with cuts in their vaginas and underwear soaked in blood and one whose fingernails had been pulled out.

This is what American college students have demonstrated in support of. More:

There are at least three women and one man who were sexually assaulted and survived, according to Gil Horev, a spokesman for Israel’s Ministry of Welfare and Social Affairs. “None of them has been willing to come physically for treatment,” he said. Two therapists said they were working with a woman who was gang raped at the rave and was in no condition to talk to investigators or reporters.

What accounts for this savagery? The sick culture that prevails among the so-called Palestinians, and that especially dominates Gaza. The Gazans are lost in hate and have been trained to do evil from childhood. It is that culture that must be destroyed, not the political organization of Hamas, which is a symptom not a cause.

A number of commentators have written that the Israelis must not seek revenge for the atrocities of October 7. I don’t understand that. They absolutely should wreak vengeance on the Gazans. (“Everyone over there is a terrorist,” as one retrieved hostage says.) In my opinion, Israelis have a moral duty to avenge the Gazans’ atrocities. Happily, they seem to be well on their way to doing so.



Last Canadian hostage held by Hamas in Gaza declared dead

Judih Weinstein Haggai and her husband were on their morning walk when they found themselves targets in the middle of Hamas slaughter



Frances Belzberg: I am a 96-year-old Jew. Can we talk about this anti-Israel vitriol please?

When my husband and I celebrated the opening of SFU's Belzberg Library 34 years ago, we could not have imagined such ugliness within its walls



Nearly 75% of Palestinians polled say Hamas was right to attack Israel on Oct. 7

When asked who should rule Gaza, 60% of respondents selected the terror group, according to the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research

Sunday, December 24, 2023


by Roger Kimball @ American Greatness  Nov 24/23

Much that is happening in the spectacle of America’s legal-political  life today reminds me of some pages in Johan Huizinga’s great book Homo Ludens: A Study of the Play-Element in Culture (1938). In a chapter on “Play and Law,” Huizinga distinguishes the unfolding of legal proceedings in advanced cultures, where strict adherence to process and abstract notions of right and wrong prevail, from the situation in more primitive cultures, where the ultimate criterion is victory. “Turning our eyes from the administration of justice and highly developed civilizations,” Huizinga writes, “to that which obtains in less advanced phases of culture, we see that the idea of right and wrong, the ethical-juridical conception, comes to be overshadowed by the idea of winning and losing, that is, the purely agonistic conception. It is not so much the abstract question of right and wrong that occupies the archaic mind as the very concrete question of winning or losing.”

In this sense, I submit, Special Counsel Jack Smith, District Judge Tanya Chutkan, New York Attorney General Letitia James, and the rest of the anti-Trump legal confraternity perfectly epitomize the atavistic persistence of archaic impulses in the law. People like me are always going on about “the rebarbarization of civilization.” The peculiar legal assault against Donald Trump is one instance (among many) of that phenomenon.

It’s been going on for quite a while. The 2020 election, for example, took place during the period of eagerly embraced Covid hysteria. That hysteria provided a justification or, more accurately, an alibi for the numerous violations of the law in the conduct of the election. The Constitution of the United States stipulates that state legislatures are in charge of determining voting procedures. But various governors and secretaries of state, from blue states mostly, swept that Constitutional provision aside in their eagerness to assure the appearance of a Biden victory. Such anomalies were noted and commented on at the time but somehow never got traction. Why? Because the media, that great tool of The Narrative, determined that it oughtn’t to get traction.

In subsequent months, the public has been treated to an efflorescence of similar and even more extreme anomalies as Donald Trump can barely turn his head without being indicted for something or other. I do not think that the public at large grasps how bizarre the quartet of indictments, proceeding in tandem in four separate jurisdictions, really is. It is unprecedented, yes, but it is also surreal. It is also a travesty of the legal process. The aim is not justice but the grubby partisan goal of removing a popular political rival from the field. The Attorney General of New York, Letitia James actually campaigned on the promise that she would “get Trump.” How is that OK? What has happened is that the law—or, more precisely, the paraphernalia and accoutrements of the law—is simply the weapon of choice, all else having failed. Those who point out that the effort to transform a political rival into a pariah is tantamount to banana republic tactics are right. But to say that is not yet to do justice the breathtaking situation in which a former president who happens to be, by a wide margin, his party’s favorite for the presidential nomination is treated worse than a common criminal. Common criminals, as a rule, are not subject to gag orders for trying to defend themselves.  “Shut up, or you might convince people you are being unfairly persecuted!” What a blow against “Our Democracy™” that would be!

What’s happened this past week has put the proverbial icing on the cake. First, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled that Donald Trump was ineligible to appear on the ballot in that state because of his role in the January 6 jamboree.

Yes, I know that one is supposed to describe that event as an “insurrection,” an event worse than Pearl Harbor, 9/11, even the Civil War. But no amount of agitated repetition can change the fact that what happened on January 6, 2021 was a far cry from being an “insurrection.” Tucker Carlson’s description of the event as a “protest that got out of hand” is much closer to the truth.  The surging crowd was not armed. The one shot that was fired that day was fired by Capitol Police Officer Michael Byrd. He murdered Ashley Babbitt who was trying to calm the crowd inside the Capitol. Byrd was exonerated, as were the federal agents responsible for the death of Rosanne Boyland.

Readers interested in what actually happened that day should consult Julie Kelly’s meticulous and indefatigable investigative reporting on the event. As for Trump himself, what was his role on that fateful day? Believing (as I do) that the 2020 election was rigged, he held a rally in DC during the course of which he urged his followers to march to the Capitol “peacefully and patriotically” to make their voices heard about an election they believed as flawed. He also took to Twitter (shortly before he was ejected from the platform) to urge his followers to eschew violence. “I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!” As insurrectionists go, that’s pretty pathetic, isnt it?

The guardians of The Narrative have had to resort to an obscure clause in the 14th Amendment—a clause that was devised to prevent supporters of the Confederacy from assuming or reassuming public office—in order to keep Trump off the ballot or, in Jack Smith’s case, to charge him criminally.

It hasn’t been been a great week for Jack Smith. Like the narrator in Andrew Marvell’s “To His Coy Mistress,” he hears “time’s wingèd chariot hurrying near.” He is desperate to have Trump’s trial start March 4, the day before Super Tuesday, the day that, many observers predict, Trump will essentially sew up the the GOP nomination. Smith hopes that by having Trump in court on criminal charges before that will materially erode his support. Looking at how Trump’s polls have thus far responded to his persecution by the state, I’d say that was a dubious proposition, but there it is. Smith asked the Supreme Court to bypass the usual appeals process for Trump and hear his case on an expedited calendar. On Friday, they refused, without comment and without dissent.

Meanwhile, former Attorney General Edwin Meese and Law Professors Steven G. Calabresi and Gary S. Lawson have filed an amicus brief with the Court arguing that Jack Smith, a private citizen, has no standing as Special Counsel because Merrick Garland, who appointed him, lacked the authority to do so. Best line in the brief: “Improperly appointed, he has no more authority to represent the United States in this Court than Bryce Harper, Taylor Swift, or Jeff Bezos.” (I had to look up Bryce Harper, but you know how it goes).

It’s uncertain at this juncture what the Court will do or how, if at all, the brief by Messe et al. will affect the thinking of the Justices. I’d say that having someone of the stature of Ed Meese weigh in was significant, but who knows? The DC Circuit Court has already scheduled an expedited review of the case in DC, where an anti-Trump jury guided by an anti-Trump judge can be counted on to convict Trump of whatever he is charged with. The obvious bias of the judge and the jury pool are also things that belong to an atavistic conception of the legal process. But that is precisely where we are now. It would be interesting to know what Johan Huizinga would think of this brutal carnival in which one man is turned into a scapegoat in order to satisfy the blood lust of a barbaric vendetta. Unfortunately, he died in 1938. So we will just have to watch the unfolding of this unedifying spectacle ourselves.

Friday, December 22, 2023



American Hostage Dies In Gaza - White House Silent, No Plan On Horizon

FRIDAY, DEC 22, 2023 - 02:25 PM

Israeli authorities have announced the death 73-year-old Gadi Haggai while in Hamas captivity, an Israeli-American dual national who had been kidnapped Kibbutz Nir Oz on October 7.

The kibbutz made the announcement Friday but without specifying how it came by the information. Israel's Missing Persons Families Forum also issued statement while saying his body is still being held in the Gaza Strip. "Gadi was a man full of humor who knew how to make those around him laugh. A musician at heart, a gifted flautist, he played in the IDF Orchestra and was involved with music his whole life," the statement said.

The statement reviewed that on Oct. 7 he had been on a walk with his wife when he was shot and "critically injured". His wife had also been taken captive, and she remains in Gaza, and is believed to be alive.

A paramedic responding to the Oct. 7 attack on the kibbutz was the last to see the pair. Gadi's child, Iris Weinstein Haggai, referenced the paramedic's account as follows: "She said they were shot by terrorists on a motorcycle and that my dad was wounded really bad."

The statement also indicated that "Judi managed to notify friends that they had been shot and that Gadi was critically injured - it was the last contact with them."

There are still some 130 captives in total being held in Gaza, though some might be feared dead - and of the remaining total six are American citizens and one is a US Green Card holder. The prior seven-day truce saw over 100 captives freed, including some Americans.

Last week, President Biden hosted family members of American kidnap victims at the White House, and he vowed to work tirelessly to secure their freedom. 

In the opening weeks of the Gaza War, the Pentagon confirmed it had dispatched a team of special forces to advise and assist the Israeli military concerning the hostages.

Alarmingly, Israeli officials confirmed recently the military has begun flooding Gaza's tunnel system, hoping to flush out the Hamas militants who hide there. Critics of the high-risk plan warn this could kill any hostages potentially being held underground as well. Also, the White House at this crucial moment has little to say, and doesn't appear to be offering much in the way of a plan or alternatives, including on the level of a new hostage deal...

Currently, it's unlikely that Israeli or US intelligence has any idea where the remaining Americans are being kept inside the Gaza Strip, now a full besieged military zone. Little can be done, other than initiating a second temporary truce and hostage swap. Efforts to achieve this have so far failed, after Israel proposed a plan days ago that envisioned the release of 40 from Hamas captivity.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023


Note 1: I am posting this because some people think I am anti-Muslim. I am not. I am against a violent, fundamentalist and puritanical strain of Islam sometimes referred to as the Salafi/Wahhabi interpretation of the Quran (Holy Book) and Sunnah (Muslim customs).

Note 2: SAW (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) also means PBUH (peace be upon him)

Note 3: Getting married and having children is universal and fundamental to any successful society.

Note 4: I have been very happily married for over 52 years and have some idea about whether what follows is sound advice.

The Prophet (SAW) understood love and marriage more than anyone, and to follow his sunnah in this regard would help you in enhancing yours. He believed in good character and good actions, and to use these in a marriage helps elevate its stance. The most important thing to keep a marriage happy is to keep your spouse happy, and our Prophet always tried to strengthen his relationships with his wives by keeping them happy.

Be kind and generous to your wife

Prophet (SAW) treated all his wives equally and with utmost respect. He catered to their needs, and always kept them above himself. He never hesitated to show how much value they hold in his life. Show them their real importance and always treat her with kindness. Be gentle, kind and caring towards the women of the house.

Acknowledge her efforts

He always appreciated even the littlest of things that his wives did for him, from cooking, to taking care of the children. He never took his wives efforts for granted and showered her with respect and gratitude. Be grateful to Allah (SWT) for her, and to her for all her efforts. Appreciate her companionship and show her the same support.

Help her with daily chores

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) always supported his wives and helped them in household chores. He did his own work, and even helped in cooking and cleaning of the house. Don’t let this be duty of just the wives, help them out whenever you can and in whichever way you can. Work together to maintain and build your home. Allah (SWT) rewards the man who helps his wife in household chores.

Pray with her and pray for her

Our Prophet has put a lot of emphasis on praying together. It is the duty of the husband to lead his wife in prayer. Gain blessings from Allah (SWT) together so that you can be in Jannah together. Engage in praying for her alone. Thank Allah (SWT) for her, and pray for her health and wellness always.

Surprise her with gifts

Gifts act as a token of appreciation in a relationship. It need not be materialistic gifts but any form of additional efforts shown by you. Cook food for her, get what she wanted without she having to ask first, surprise her with random gifts, feed her with your own hands. All that is spent on by a man on his wife, parents and children is a form of charity, which shall be rewarded. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) used to feed Aisha (RA) with his own hands to express his love towards her.

Spend quality time with her

Spending time with your other half is the best way to get to know her better. It builds companionship, and to know about her needs and wants. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) not only talked to his wives but also played halal fun games with them like horse riding. He made them feel close to him by devoting his time and attention on them. Allah puts barakah in the time you spend together.

Engage in sweet talks and gestures

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) never used to raise a voice at his wives. He was always gentle with them. He called them with sweet nicknames to make them feel special like ‘Humaira’ for Aisha (RA). He often showed them gestures of love and affection like kissing them on the forehead while leaving and entering the house.

Listen to her attentively

Be there for your wife whenever she needs you. Listen to her when she opens up to you whether if she’s sad or excited. Listen to her like you actually care about what she shares with you and encourage her to share more. Our Prophet (SAW) always used to engage himself in conversations with his wives to make them feel important. He always acted like a friend in whom they could confide in.

Treat her with mercy

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) focused on forgiveness all through his life. He forgave people who were impossible to forgive. He emphasized on treating your wives as well, with kindness and mercy whenever they make a mistake. He was never rash and always overlooked their mistakes in public while corrected them in private sweetly.

Make her feel secure

The responsibility of a woman comes under the man when she marries him. It is his duty to protect her and make her feel secure at all times. Always act like a door that can be opened by her whenever she’s in trouble.

Monday, December 18, 2023



Palestinians, the people of peace,  say Hamas quite right to attack Israel

A new survey from the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research found that 72 percent of Palestinians say Hamas was quite right in attacking Israel on that fateful October 7 day, and more than 90 percent don’t believe the Hamas terrorists committed any war crimes, such as torture and killing of women and children.

Palestinians, people of peace? There’s a laugh. There goes that whole leftist argument that the Palestinians living in Gaza are poor victims who don’t support the Hamas terrorists.

This poll also found that since the war, “support for Hamas has more than tripled in the West Bank compared to three months ago” — albeit “the majority in both the West Bank and the Gaza Strip does not support Hamas;” that support for President Mahmoud Abbas, his Fatah party and the Palestinian Authority has dropped and that 90 percent in Gaza and even more in the West Bank are now demanding Abbas’ resignation; and that “support for armed struggle [rose] ten percentage points compared to three months ago, with more than 60 percent saying it is the best means of ending the Israeli occupation, [while] in the West Bank, the percentage rises further to close to 70 percent.”

That last is a key finding for all those two-state advocates out there. How to strike a diplomatic deal with a group of people who think you have no right to exist — that is to say, that your entire existence is one of illegal occupation?

At a time when the United Nations just pushed a resolution calling on Israel to cease its military attacks against Hamas — using plight of the poor Palestinian people as justification — this survey shows as most significant and enlightening because it shows maybe, just maybe, no, most definitely in fact, the Palestinians aren’t quite as innocent victim as, say, Rep. Rashida Tlaib and U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres might have believed.

Tlaib, of “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” chanting fame — a phrase that is thinly disguised code for calling for the destruction of the Israeli people — and Guterres, who recently said “it is important to … recognize the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum,” and that the “Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation,” are both indicative of the rhetoric used by anti-Israel, antisemites who see the Jewish people as illegally dwelling in lands that rightly belong to the Palestinians, despite the fact there has never, historically speaking, been a Palestinian people or a state of Palestine.

As J.D. Farag, a Christian pastor who was born in Beirut to an Egyptian father and an Arab mother, says the words Palestine and Palestinian are taken from the word Philistine, the name of a group of people who no longer exist.

“When Jerusalem was destroyed and Israel was captured, they named it, as was the custom of that day, after the arch enemy of the people that they had just conquered. And who was the people group that were the enemy of Israel? The Philistines. So they first named it Philistia,” Farag said, “which is translated or transliterated really, as Palestine … and ever since then it’s been known as Palestine — that’s what the Romans changed the name to.”

But, he added: “There’s no such thing as a Palestinian. And if there’s no such thing as a Palestinian, or a Palestine, then that means there’s no such thing as a Palestinian state.


  Thang Long Industrial Park Hung Yen Province (33 km east of central Hanoi, approximately 60 minutes by car) Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2...