Nice bright sun. Stiff wind coming from the west. Good ride.
11.6 C
Nice bright sun. Stiff wind coming from the west. Good ride.
11.6 C
Came home early because of low power. I forgot to charge the batteries today. I didn't actually run out of power but when the batteries get below 49 volts you cannot accelerate very well without stalling.
What does stalling mean in the context of electrical power? Upon accelerating there is always voltage sag. (about 14 volts on maximum acceleration, I have found with my particular 2 battery setup) So if my battery's no-load voltage is below 50 volts the voltage will sag to below 40 volts on max acceleration. Then the BMS (battery management system) will shut down the batteries to prevent damage.
NOTE: The voltage sag is not as severe when I'm running a 3 battery setup.
The batteries will recover after a few seconds but it is a very inconvenient thing when this happens when you try to accelerate from a standing start (such as when the light turns green) It is not just embarrassing but can be dangerous if you are not careful).
Temp 13.8 C
I was out for a couple of short rides yesterday and the day before totaling about 11 km. I forgot to enter the data.
Temp 13.3 C
Sky very dark tonight. Storm brewing?
Temp 13.4 C
Very windy again today. Gusts up to 30 km/h.
Temp 13.9 C
Very windy today. Gusts up to 30 km/h.
Temp 11.3 C
Temp 12.9 C
Temp 8.0 C
click on image to enlarge
When I look at the Harley and compare it to mine I feel a connection with the Harley brothers. Sure, the Harley is gas powered and mine is electric but both are minimalist prototypes designed for bike touring.
Dual 1200 watt brushless geared hub motors - max output 2500 watts each
Each motor has its own 45 amp controller
Wike HD flatbed: weight: 15 lbs.
Capacity: 125 lbs.
Dashboard: Cycle Analyst (Grin Technologies)
Top speed: 50 km/h
The BMS is the Battery Management System.
It performs several functions. The two fat wires (red and black) from the charger will “bulk charge” the pack until it gets very close to being full, and then the charger will switch over to using a very low charge rate as it gets closer to being full. A 3A or 5A (continuous) charge rate is very common for the bulk charge.
This charging profile is called CC/CV, for Constant Current / Constant Voltage. It’s a simple and inexpensive way to accomplish a subtle goal.
We all want an affordable battery pack, so…we buy mass-produced cells. This means that there will always be very minor differences in the internal resistances of each cell. To use the example of a theoretical 7S/4P pack…each 4P cell-group is “seen” by the charger and controller as one large cell. The parallel connecting metal strip ensures that they all constantly equalize to each other, so we must discuss them as if they were in fact, one large cell.
There are seven of these “in series” to get 24V. Now, we then set our dumb bulk DC power-supply as a charger to 3A (with NO BMS), and we use (7S X 4.1V =) 28.7V as our fully-charged goal. It works like a dream. However, only five of the P-Groups are actually at 4.1V. One P-group is at 3.9V due to high internal resistance, and another P-Group is at 4.3V due to low internal resistance. Since our dumb charger only reads the 28.7V of the assembled pack when it shuts off, it has no idea of the trouble that is brewing…
High-resistance cells run hotter than an “average-resistance” cell, but for this discussion, let’s just assume that it never gets “too hot” to cause trouble (over 140F / 60C). Also…cells located at the heart of a pack run hotter than cells at the edge, since the edge-located cells shed “some” heat to the outside shell of the pack.
That leaves the low-resistance cell for us to consider. It will dump amps faster than the other cells (when accelerating), and it will also gulp the charge faster, too. It will actually run cooler than the other “average resistance” cells, but…a bulk charger will overcharge it. If letting a pack sit overnight at 4.2V per cell will cut the life of the charge in half (compared to 4.1V per cell).
What will letting one cell sit overnight at 4.3V do? It will lose its capacity rapidly.
And that means that, the one bad cell will cause the entire P-group to experience voltage-sag near the end of a ride, and then…that one low P-group will cause the entire pack to experience voltage-sag. And this means that…for a split second on acceleration, the LVC will “think” that the entire pack is too low, and it will cut off ALL power in order to “save” the pack (one of its most important jobs).
The pack will still “work”, but…your accelerating days are over. You may have planned on buying a new pack in three years (or more), but because of one “slightly” bad cell, the entire pack may now be useless to you after only a few months. This is why the bulk-charge phase (CC/Constant Current) only takes the pack to about 4.0V per cell. For the rest of the topping-charge, the Constant Voltage / CV phase is accomplished at low amps, with some sensitive electronics thrown in…
Temp 9.3 C
Tonight's average speed of 41 km/h is my fastest ever for my standard loop. Because the temp was 12 C the windchill was quite tolerable.
Temp 12.0 C
Temp 6.8 C
Predictions from Dec 15/2. A few weeks of very cold weather was unanticipated.
Tonight was very chilly. 6 C degrees. Odometer reading when I got home 8720 km. Aiming for 10,000 by Mar 1 and 13,000 km by by birthday (Sept 18).
I go out most nights around 10 pm and ride about 25 - 30 km on average. I do this because late night traffic is very light. My bike is too dangerous to ride in daytime traffic because of its lack of maneuverability.
But there is more to it than that. It is so peaceful at night. So quiet. There is only you, the bike, and the night.
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Temp 8.8 C
Temp 9.6 C
Temp 8.8 C
Temp 8.8 C
Thang Long Industrial Park Hung Yen Province (33 km east of central Hanoi, approximately 60 minutes by car) Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2...